ZinC Says:
December 26th, 2005 at 10:53 am e
ya kaslaaan, no posting for a month?:D
So what was I doing during the last month?
Well, few days after my Alive post my father, mother and sister arrived here in Birmingham and stayed with us (my wife, daughter and I) for about three weeks. We had a really great time and had a chance to go to London and stay there for 5 days. Needless to say, we took the opportunity of being in London to take a lot of lovely tourists pictures and visit the National Gallery to look at Van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait, more about that later 🙂 .
After that we retuned to Birmingham (two hours trip by train) and my folks left to Kuwait few days after that. Then came christmas, a very sad and extra lonely time for us, believe me it was nothing like the things we see on TV! It was cold, everything was closed and for the first time.. we were home sick 🙁 .
Few days later came the new year, which was another disappointment by the way. Then I started doing my essays for the university.. three 3000 word essays which should be submitted in less than 2 weeks! So it was “Karaf Time” :D.
One essay was about Art and Freedom of Speech which was interesting and challenging, but I feel like I didn’t give it all I have. The other one was the least important one because it was just a draft which will not be assessed and I will rewrite it any way. By the wat it was about Braque.. who was a friend of Picasso.
The last and most important essay for me was about a painting called the Arnolfini Portrait by a Netherlandish painter called Jan van Eyck. Sound’s familiar? Yes it is the painting I went to see in the National Gallery in London. It’s a lovely and interesting painting which many of you may have seen before without knowing it. Take a look at it.
I will talk about this painting and the essay I did about it in another post Enshaa Allah. Believe me, it’s very interesting :).
After I was done with the essays I thought that I need a REAL short vacation, so we went to London again for the weekend. I submitted my last essay on friday, went to London on saturday and retuned on sunday… the day Shikh Jaber passed away!
So.. you see, I did not have much time to be Kaslan any way 🙂
Now after a full, and some times hard, month I can finally say that I’m back on my feet.. I can finally say that I’m able to breath the air and feel the shine of the light.
Thank Allah for everything 🙂