أرشيف التصنيف: Design

What to do with 202 bad pictures?

200 bad pictures

I went out for some night photography in the city the other day. Actually I went for normal day photography, but since it was raining I couldn’t take my camera out of the bag until the it stopped, and of course it was already late when it did.

I set the shooting mood to black and white, Large JPG and ISO 1600 to get the intentional grainy noisy look in order to get images with high contrast showing just the texture of the scene. I also set the camera to burst drive to eliminate the shaking a bit more.

The pictures on the LCD of the camera were OK, but when I got home and downloaded the pictures to the computer I was shocked when I found out that there were not a single picture worth showing! They were either blurred or simply.. bad 😕 .

So I was flipping through the pictures back and forth looking for something… anything.. decent when it struck me! ‘What if I made a movie out of it?’ 😈

So I loaded the pictures in motion, finalised the thing in Final Cut Pro, up loaded the result to youtube.. and here it is 🙂 :


And here it is in higher quality:

High Quality 12MB

Best Quality (recommended):

Best Quality 20MB

Enjoy it 🙂


تذكرت اليوم قول الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم لرسولي باذان عامل كسرى حاكم الفرس يوم مماته :

” أَبْلِغَا صَاحِبكُمَا أَنَّ رَبِّي قَتَلَ رَبّه فِي هَذِهِ اللَّيْلَة ”

(فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري)

فسبحان من لا يضيع عنده حق

و سبحان القادر على الطغاة مهما تجبروا


باذان (وهو ممثل دولة الفرس في اليمن) أسلم بعد موت كسرى و أعلن توبته و أسلم معه قومه..

ترى هل سيتوب أتباع بقية الطغات و عبيدهم و المخدوعين بهم بعد أن أمات الله كسراهم و أسقط صنمه؟