Kuwait-London (Video)

Kuwait-London from Moayad Hassan on Vimeo.

Videos and photos shot through airplane windows usually come out dull and lifeless, but sometimes you get lucky.. mostly when you don’t have your camera 😛

This video was shot over France and the UK on a Kuwait Airways flight from Kuwait to Heathrow on March 2008. I hope you enjoy it.

Watch it on it’s own page in full screen HD if possible… it’s worth it.
Vimeo is great… I’m loving it already 🙂

4 تعليقات على “Kuwait-London (Video)”

  1. مشكور يا اخوي عتيج… من زمان ما مريت علينا 🙂

    و إن شاء الله بتكون الأعمال القادمة أحلى و أقوى

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