أرشيف الوسم: minolta

Misty Grey (photo project)

See the whole set here.

Woke up very early just before the morning, and started to wipe the window to look through it. I realised then that there is nothing to wipe… it was real fog outside! I couldn’t wait for the dawn to break so I can go out and shoot some pictures. I expected to be alone in the streets of Birmingham city centre that early in the morning, but I found out that I was not.. even before 7 am. The last part of the set was shot at The Vale in the University of Birmingham which I reached later in the morning.

The first 9 photos of the set were shot with the Ricoh RF 500, the rest with the Minolta Dynax with 35-80mm and 50mm. The film in both cameras was Lomography Lady Grey 400, pushed to 800 in the Ricoh and to 1600 in the Minolta. I must say that I was impressed with the film! It gives a pleasant low contrast even when pushed, with kind of muddy grains. Developed in T-max chemicals.

See the whole set here.


مجموعة صور تم تصويرها بالصباح الباكر في يوم شديد الضباب.

لمشاهدة المجموعة كاملة.